What Would Grandma Do?

Apr 30, 2024

Project-based Learning at West Valley High School

Each year, high school students in Biology class complete a creative project to re-use and re-purpose discarded materials. This year, like always, there was a great turn-out of parents and community members at the showcase event.

The project, called "What Would Grandma Do?" challenges students to create a new product from discarded materials. This year's highlights included a BBQ made from a re-purposed metal drum, a dog food feeder from re-purposed wood and nails from a wooden pallet, and a lounge chair from re-purposed wood.

Thank you to our Biology teachers at West Valley High School for keeping this project sustained throughout the years. This meaningful project has students reflect on the importance of ecology and conservation of resources.

BBQ made from a re-purposed metal drum
Dog Feeder made from a re-purposed wooden pallet
Lounge Chair made from re-purposed wood
"What Would Grandma Do?" Showcase